Hotel ReservationsThe preferred accomodation is the conference hotel, the Hyatt Regency Bellevue, offering discounted rates starting at $129/night $189/night (for single and double occupancy). Discounted triple and quad occupancy rates are also available. Reserve your room at the conference rate here. The $129 discounted rates were available until Jun 2, 2011 (extended). The $189 rate is still better than the offering to the general public, although other - maybe not as nice and certainly not as convenient - hotels in Bellevue can beat $189. Conference Venue![]() The tutorials and main sessions will take place in the second-floor Grand Ballroom, poster sessions will be in the Grand Ballroom and the foyer. The ACL-ICML-ISCA symposium will take place in the third-floor auditorium. See the floor plan for room names and locations. The registration desk will be located in the coat check area of the Grand Ballroom, 2nd floor. Registration desk hours will be 7am to 7pm on Mon-Fri, 7am-2pm Sat. Banquet Venue![]() The conference banquet will be held on June 30, 2011 in the Museum of Flight. Transportation will be provided from the hotel to the banquet, and from the banquet both back to the hotel, and to downtown Seattle. The bar will not accept credit cards and the ATM charges a fee, please bring sufficient cash. |
ICML 2011, Bellevue, Washington, USA |